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Stylianos Papathanassopoulos Professor of Media organization and policy at the Department of Communication and Media Studies - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA). He was the Head (2007-2011) of the Faculty, member of the Board of the Hellenic Audiovisual Institute (2006-20011) and is Visiting Professor at City University, London. Previously, he was Deputy Director (1996-2005) of the University Research Institute of Applied Communication (URIAC) and Deputy-Head of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies (2003-2007). He has been Visiting Professor at the Technological University of Cyprus, and he has also taught at the University of Helsinki and the University of Sheffield. He is also a member of the Euromedia Research Group and was a member of the Network of European Political Communication Scholars (2008-2018) as well as he was a member of the research project "Changing Media-Changing Europe" funded by the European Science Foundation. He was a member of the Managing Committee of the COST Action "IS1308 -Populist Political Communication in Europe: Comprehending the Challenge of Mediated Political Populism for Democratic Politics" (2014-18). He is currently Director of the postgraduate program in Journalism and New Media as well as Director of the Laboratory of Journalism Studies both at the Department of Communication and Media Studies - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He also participates as partner in the following EU projects: a) A response to online hate speech through the enhancement of high-quality professional and citizen journalism; b) Euromedia Ownership Monitor and c) European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive and Negative Externalities for European Culture.

He has written extensively on European and Greek media, with reference to the development and impact of news media. His publications can be found in journals: European Journal of Communication, Media Culture and Society, Media International Australia, The International Journal of Harvard in Press and Politics, Intermedia, Political Communication, The Communication Review, Journalism Studies, International Journal of Digital television, Javnost/the PublicAnnals of the International Communication Association, Journalism, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Social Media and Society, Eurozine. He has also written for the trade press (Broadcast, Television Business International, European Television Analyst, Cable and Satellite Europe.)

He is the Editor of the Greek communication journal "Zitimata Epikoinonias (Communication Issues)" and member of the editorial boards of the journals Global Media and Communication, European Journal of Communication, Digital Media & Policy, Social Media and Society, and Journalism Practice. With Susana Salgado are the editors of the book series Springer Studies in Media and Political Communication at Springer Publications.

In 2010, He formed SMG research group which aims to conduct research in the field of communication and media studies. The research group SMG provides design, implementation and analysis on current affairs, and ad hoc basis for specific surveys. It also aims to complement its research activity with publishing.