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"Greece: Press Subsidies in Turmoil"


In this chapter, the writer will critically analyze the Greek subsidy scheme for newspaper. He will argue that state aid for the press has been heavily influenced by the troubled Greek patronage politics.

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"International TV News, Foreign Affairs Interest and Public Knowledge"


This article investigates the volume of foreign news provided by public service and commercial TV channels in countries with different media systems, and how this corresponds to the public's interest in and knowledge of foreign affairs.

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"Τα Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης και οι Έλληνες: Η Περίπτωση του Facebook"


This article aims to present the basic characteristics of the Greek users of Facebook. It also examines sheds light on the users' relationship with traditional media and the social capital they gain from their participation in Facebook. 

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"Η Πολιτική Ενημέρωση σε Περιόδους Κρίσης"


This study aims to investigate the news coverage of political events in Greece in the three larger media (TV, newspapers, internet) in a specific phase of the financial crisis. It tries to shed light on the specifics of journalistic practice in relation to the promotion of politics.

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Sources in the News: A comparative study


This article seeks,  to identify differences between countries in the sources quoted in the news, to establish whether there are consistent differences across countries between types of media in their sourcing patterns and to trace any emergent consistent patterns of variation between different types of organization across different countries.

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Television and its audience


This book analyses how viewers use and react to television screen and its programmes. It discusses the theories of television viewing behaviour, the uses and misuses of TV ratings, the role of TV remote control on television behaviour and its social and cultural effects as well as the ways Greek viewers watch television since the deregulation of Greek television systems, the evolution of the genres of programmes they prefer in this period.

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Communication and Society from the 20th to 21st Century


We are in the eve of a new century and there are many questions and scenarios regarding the day after. As the world becomes more complicated, the media occupy a prominent role in the society and influence other social, economic and political institutions. In the new century we are in front of a fast and important transformation where the media institutions and processes are in the centre of these developments as well as conflicts.

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A Europe of Communications, the policies of the European Union in the communication sector


This book describes the initiatives and policies of the European Union (EU) in the field of communications. It assesses these policies as well as the intervention of the EU in the communications sector. It analyses the axes of the European audiovisual and communications policies, as these are identified in the initiatives and actions of the EU.

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European Television in the Digital Age; Issues, Dynamics and Realties


European Television in the Digital Age traces the development of digital TV and provides a clear, concise account of the dynamics and realities of the changing face of television in Europe. The book synthesizes an array of empirical research and case study work, summarizes theoretical arguments, and provides an up-to-date analysis of the European audiovisual landscape. Author offers a timely appraisal of the key issues surrounding digital TV. 

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Media and Politics: the case of Southern Europe


This book attempts to analyse the development of the mass media in the European South, particularly the media systems of Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece as well as to relate their development to the political history and particularities of these countries. Although, this study is not a detailed history of the developments in the filed of mass communication in the Southern Europe, it tries to identify the common characteristics as well as certain constant features of the media systems in these countries. 

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Television in the 21st Century


This book describes and analyses the effects of the deregulation of the communication filed, and particularly the television landscape in Europe and in Greece. It traces the forces and the procedures that dominate the new audiovisual domain. It argues that the re-organization of the audiovisual landscape is part of a procedure that is related to the wider re-structuring of the communication systems and the dominance of neo-liberal ideologies, which favor the re-organization and modernization of the economy. This book describes and analyses the effects of the deregulation of the communication filed, and particularly the television landscape in Europe and in Greece. It traces the forces and the procedures that dominate the new audiovisual domain. It argues that the re-organization of the audiovisual landscape is part of a procedure that is related to the wider re-structuring of the communication systems and the dominance of neo-liberal ideologies, which favor the re-organization and modernization of the economy. 

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The Professionalisation of Political Communication


Has the communication of politics become professionalised? Who are the 'professionals' and what part do they play in the political process? Can the process of professionalisation be observed in different political systems? These, and related questions, about the changing nature of practices in political communication are explored in this book that looks at developments across a number of different countries. 

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Online Threat, But Television is Still Dominant


As news media change, so media news consumption changes with them. This paper, part of a larger international research project involving 11 countries in four continents (Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia), is focused on news consumption.

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Analecta" Hellenic Audiovisual Institute


"Analecta" is a collection of researches, studies and analyses on various issues which occupied the researchers and the associates of the Hellenic Audiovisual Institute. The aim of this yearbooks is to provide with information and analysis on the various developments in the communications landscape.

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Reconsidering 'virtuous circle' and 'media malaise' theories of the media: An 11-nation study


This study, based on a content analysis of television news and survey in eleven nations, explores the split between those who see the media as politically alienating and others who see the media as encouraging greater political involvement.


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The transition to digital television in Greece: Now what?


This article aims to provide an overview of the current state of digital television in Greece. By examining the latest digital developments in the middle of financial crisis, it suggests that the Greek government adopted a purely market-driven approach leaving the private forces to take up digital terrestrial television.

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