The Professionalisation of Political Communication
The Professionalisation of Political Communication
(Edited with Ralph Negrine, Christina Holtz-Bacha και Paolo Mancini)
London: Intellect Publishers, pp. 230, ISBN 9781841501598
Has the communication of politics become professionalised? Who are the 'professionals' and what part do they play in the political process? Can the process of professionalisation be observed in different political systems? These, and related questions, about the changing nature of practices in political communication are explored in this book that looks at developments across a number of different countries. The different ways in which the idea of the professionalisation of political communication has been commonly used is explored and the authors develop a framework for understanding changing practices in political communication and in different contexts, for example, in respect of political campaigns and elections in general, and in respect of communication by governments. It is also focuses on these same themes in specific countries: Germany, France, Britain, Greece, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy and Sweden. The book provides a valuable insight into the evolving practice of political communication.
The Professionalisation of Political Communication offers a deep review of the European state of the art of this emerging field in communication studies [...] this book brings together a number of important elements that provide an update of the available knowledge in this field.
- Miguel Vicente Marino, Sociology,University of Valladolid, Spain in Media International Australia, February 2008.